Tu m' | Tu m' and the Magical Mystery Orchestra
Aesova | CD
Tu m' - Italian duo Rossano Polidoro and Emiliano Romanelli - have an uncanny ability to sculpt abandoned melodies into new and distinctive shapes, whilst retaining the shimmering qualities of the originals. Like goldsmiths re-working discarded jewellery, they hammer and polish, painstakingly re-working - in the process creating diamond-like musical gems.
'Tu m' and the Magical Mystery Orchestra' elevates their sonic palette considerably, its idiosyncratic melodies insinuating themselves into your consciousness effortlessly.
The lush truncated strings of 'Glamour' captivate from the moment it stutters into sparkling life, slowly building to a gently incandescent audio glow. 'Before the Rain' continues in similar fashion, a hesitant melody cycling - soft caresses of delicate melody.
Their recent releases have been likened to Fennesz's much acclaimed 'Endless Summer' and its easy to see the comparison, but Tu m' are slowly, but surely carving out their own distinctive voice. 'Tu m' and the Magical Mystery Orchestra' demonstrates musical craftsmanship of a kind all too often lacking in contemporary music, but truly deserving of recognition.