Fon | Fakt

Werkzeug | CD

Fakt is the xxxx release from xxxx based Fon on the faceless Werkzeug organisation ./::in addition to an MP3 release on Mego spin-off¥k¡ç©]Öçx>è"Ksî>(
Over the course of.'¥¥¥-!*/(?(q.tones shift and pulse as Fon sculpt beats into...ÉÒÒÁÚ¥ÌÅ>ÅÎÉÑÍ É ÍÕÚÙËÅ"/heaving masses of audio bulk||.">>>>-¬-->Thank You Ed @ Musique Korrekt/ÅÎÉÀ ÁÌØÂÏÍÏ¥.: ">ÔÏ...33k - Cached.Z!^bin.>....@"Similar pages.>åß
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Occasionally beats will emerge from the mass of orchestrated tones to exert a dominance that at times verges on sustained danceability only to descend once more into a field of feéd.bäck and hiss.¥¥-"nsn/v/.////
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Track titles are difficult to ascertain from.XX¥¥¥-!°/.artwork/™.>

∆|'161' opens to left/right stabs of sparse tonebursts which evolve into a dense myriad of collapsing beats.¨focused on a core of persistent hiss.ÏÒÍÌ'ÅÎÉÀ ÁÌØÂÏÍÏ¥. Socket Error.Connection to Remote Host timed out¨¨¨¨¨'.Ocassionally tracks will +-x÷ segue™ and evolve into complex suites which wrench the wildest funk.<> from raw

There's no question that these folded melodies are the perverse works of some twisted genius<./who that is/are.?I can't be>>/.>;iuÚL>hg u%sure.//'Fakt' is compelling nonetheless and well worth seeking out.

*fon.fb08. ".160.169.1749.1.3433.365.409...


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