%Array | Reviews, URLs, ASCII, Playlists, GOTO

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%Array is published quarterly by Fällt. In addition to keeping subscribers informed of Fällt-related projects, %Array features: reviews; URLs to free, limited-availability MP3s; specially-commissioned ASCII-Art; playlists; and GOTO, an online pointer.

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To date we have published several hundred reviews, spanning a wide variety of genres.

Mr 76IX | 3 (Minority Of 1)

Skam | CD

Mr 76IX | 3 (Minority Of 1)"The copy was believed crucial to academic education; from copying works of past artists one would assimilate their methods of art making ... becoming familiar with the principles of contour, light, and shade." -… Read more…

Autistici | Volume Objects

12k | CD

Autistici | Volume Objects12k state: "In the desire to make recorded sound as tactile as possible Autistici has sculpted found objects, broken acoustic instruments, synthesizers and environmental recordings into 'Volume Objects'." Autisti… Read more…

Stephan Mathieu | 31 Transcriptions

Bitsteam | MP3

Stephan Mathieu | 31 TranscriptionsStephan Mathieu's considerable reputation as a quiet, yet formidable force within the field of contemporary electronic music is unquestioned. His consistent releases spanning a variety of genres defy easy classifica… Read more…

%Array | Reviews

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