Various Artists | Audio
MP3 | F.0000.0000
Audio files throughout the website are currently supplied as 320 KBPs MP3 files without DRM (Digital Rights Management), however, we hope to additionally release archived files in FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) format in the near future - time and bandwidth permitting.
Please respect our artists' copyright - many share their work freely, however, their work isn't 'free'.
The sidebar icons link to a selection of pages featuring MP3s which are free to download for personal use only. We encourage you to provide links directly to Fällt's Audio page. Please do not post these MP3s or links to the MP3 files themselves on another website without prior permission.
Our first exclusive MP3 'Pumilum' courtesy of audio/visual artist Tonne (Paul Farrington) - described by The Wire as an "interactive software visionary" - was featured at Disquiet's Downstream Archive (Marc Weidenbaum's "regularly updated list of free recommended MP3 files"). Weidenbaum states: "['Pumlium'] is six and a half minutes of brittle minimalism, the lightly crackling textures of which suggest a lo-res digital fireplace with its embers dialed down. Those pixelated percussives disperse a rapid-fire array of beats, and amid them Tonne places a minimal-techno series of held notes. The final fade out is particularly enjoyable."