Massimo | Hey babe, let me see your USB... and I'll show you my Firewire
Mego | 3
A child of the digital revolution, Massimo is without question one of Italy's finest proponents of glitch-noise-comedy. 'Hey babe, let me see your USB... and I'll show you my FireWire' (to give it its full title) consists of twenty-plus minutes of utterly compelling melody-distortion allegedly created "with just one trumpet".
Picking up where his previous invalidObject Series contribution left off, Massimo assaults the senses with the relentless sounds of impending information collapse. With track titles like 'Fierce Sailor' and 'She male 808' packaged within some fairly graphic graphic design, nothing is left to the imagination.
The music is no less obscene. 'Bukkake' features wave after wave after wave of full throttle DSP, mercilessly saturating the listener, while 'Waffenbend' (track locations are arbitrary) settles into a pulverising groove as discrete sheets of digital hiss cascade over damaged pulses, clicks and tones.
The closing track 'Microsound and Glitch and Cuts Can Only Lick my Mafia Ass!' (18.30 - 20.30) is pure information warfare of the tongue-firmly-in-cheek variety. A digital soundclash between two of the best musicians working within .microsound's rapidly imploding genre - Massimo vs. Pimmon - it comprises two-plus minutes of crowd-dispersing +20 db audio overload. Looping a fragment from Pimmon's 'Assembler' under a barrage of DSP abuse, the marriage is perfect, leaving you wishing there was more than this 3" CD can hold.