Tina Frank | Biography
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If there can be such a thing as a standard-bearer for the artists represented in '35 mm' it would likely be Tina Frank. Her work for Mego likely needs no introduction; a house style - in the best sense of the words - it is underpinned by a sense of constant reinvention and change. In short, an unwillingness to sit still or to rest on laurels.
Frank's covers run the gauntlet of styles: from the modem-failure minimalism of Pita's red/blue 'Get Out' to the heightened awareness of the potential of photography-harnessed-to-form evident in Ilpo Vaisanen's 'Asuma'.
Beyond her work as a noted sleeve designer, Frank has consistently innovated within the field of digital video, creating visual accompaniments for Pita, and Oren Ambarchi and Martin Ng. Her DVD 'Fuzzy Motion' was published in 2002 by Gas in Japan.
Frank has collaboreted with Fällt on a number of projects including '35 mm » Design in Miniature' and the Fehler curated 'Apocrypha' which exhibited in Naples as part of electronic arts festival Sintesi.