Superbad | Biography
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Superbad (Ben Benjamin) is an artist and graphic designer living in San Francisco. His best-known work 'www.superbad.com' was one of the first websites created with no other purpose than being 'art'. Superbad has won a number of awards and has featured in I.D., Wired, and The New York Times in addition to being included in the Whitney Museum of American Art’s 2000 Biennial.
The Whitney Museum states: "Superbad is a seemingly endless funhouse of graphics, images, and text launched in 1997 by web designer Ben Benjamin. Laced with references to popular culture, from the rock band Iron Maiden to the cult film 'Planet of the Apes', the site also features stunning abstract animations and satirical texts.
"There is no fixed entry point because Benjamin changes the homepage every day, adding new content on an ongoing basis. The unpredictable and nonlinear experience offered by Superbad mirrors the medium of the web itself."
Superbad collaborated with Fällt as part the Fehler curated 'Apocrypha' which exhibited in Naples as part of electronic arts festival Sintesi.