Otaku Yakuza | Emblem
500 Pin Badges [25 mm Diameter] | F.0001.0001 - .0500
A testament to obsession.
Yakuza raided her extensive collection of ephemera sourced globally - the by-products of our paper-based society - to produce 'Emblem', a series of 500 pin badges which are elevated beyond their throwaway status by virtue of their uniqueness.
Yakuza feels a deep spiritual bond to each badge she produces:
"I spend so long designing them - making sure everything is just right - I can recall vividly where I found each magazine fragment; each sample of type; each image. The resulting combinations of type and image resonate intensely for me, they are a snapshot of the world as seen through the eyes of its media.
"It bordered on being painful letting them go - they are like my children - released into the world. I sincerely hope they are cared for…."
After releasing the original analogue edition in 1992 which sold out within a matter of weeks, Yakuza revisited 'Emblem' in 2002 - a decade later - to create a layered, digital edition using Photoshop. Both editions are sold out.
1992 Analogue Edition - Deleted. 2002 Digital Edition - Deleted.