Janek Schaefer | London
24 x CD Players, Headphones and 24 x 5 Minute Audio Loops/MP3 | F.0037.0000
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'Recorded Delivery' is a sound activated tape recording of parcel travelling through the post office system from Exhibition Road, London to the room of the original installation in the Acorn Self Storage Centre, Wembley, London.
The Dictaphone automatically edited the 15 hour journey to a 63 minute recording, capturing only the loudest and most sonically interesting elements of the journey from the 28th to 29th March 1995. This 5 minute version for 'Invisible Cities' is a further subjective edit of those highlights. 'Recorded Delivery' was originally produced for the group show 'Self Storage' (organised by Art Angel and curated by Brian Eno).
Janek Schaefer was born in England to Polish and Canadian parents in 1970. After preparing sound collages as a young boy, Janek's musical career was fractured in his teens when, as head chorister at school, his voice broke…
A decade later while studying architecture at the Royal College of Art the fragmented noises of a sound activated tape recorder travelling overnight through the British postal system were to re-establish his audio career. Since then the nature of sound has been Janek's primary area of exploration, resulting in many installations and soundtracks for exhibitions and most notably performances involving his self built/invented 'Twin Turntable' and 'Tri-phonic Turntable', officially 'The World's Most Versatile Record Player' (Guinness Book of Records). Schaefer was awarded an Honorable Mention in the category of Digital Musics at the Prix Ars Electronica, 2001.