Ted Sulkowicz | Biography
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In late 2000 the URL for a series of MP3s was forwarded to us via an anonymous remailer by an artist working under the name Ted Sulkowicz. We could find no reference to Sulkowicz or his 'Hotel California'-sampled 'Kid_Newtown' anywhere. Who is the mysterious Mr Sulkowicz? Rumours abound, including one: that it is none other than Australian prankster Pimmon.
Needless to say we were intrigued when Tigerbeat6, following our lead and without apparent permission, released 'Kid_Newtown' as part of their 2CD 'Tigerbeat6 Inc.' compilation. Cutting edge electronica sold on Tigerbeat6, available free on Fodder. Priceless.
Sulkowicz's Inaugural release in Fällt DIY digital audio sub-label Fodder, a relentless pastiche of The Eagles classic 'New Kid in Town', 'Kid_Newtown' is easily worth the price of a free download.