Various Guest Editors; Design, Fehler | Primer
SRA2 Offset Print with Brass Binding Screws | F.0003.0001 - .0003
Published annually between 1996 and 1998, 'Primer' acted as an introductory text to a wide range of themes.
Produced in a unique poster/pamphlet format 'Primer' could be kept as a poster or trimmed to pamphlet size using pre-printed crop-marks and bound with brass binding-screws provided.
'Primer's' first issue 'International Standard Book Number', edited by Fällt co-founder W. Conrad Röntgen, explored the possibilities that lie for publishing as we move from a world largely characterised by printed, paper-based publications - 'hardware objects' - to one increasingly characterised by virtual, screen-based publications - 'software objects'. Is the book dead? Or is undergoing a new renaissance, one driven by emerging forms of publishing?
In 1997 Fällt commissioned Christophe Berhens, Fällt contributing editor, to edit 'Code', 'Primer's' second issue. Published to coincide with the release of Version 5.0 of Phil Zimmermann's Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) the issue unravelled the hype and history surrounding encryption as we moved increasingly towrads a web-based society. Each issue of 'Code' included a free printed Stegasarous cutout - the 'price' of a copy of celebrated cypherpunk Cypherella's encryption software Stego.
'Primer's' third and final issue 'Unit', edited by Fällt contributing editor Otaku Yakuza, explored issues of standardisation and measurement. Unit n. A quantity chosen as a standard in terms of which other quantities may be expressed. Issue three could be cut up to create a variety of rulers, all subtly challenging the standardisation of measurements with in-built flaws and mistakes.
Published in a limited edition of 100 copies each.
Editions 1 - 3, Deleted.