W. Conrad Röntgen, Editor; Design, Fehler | Primer 01 - ISBN
SRA2 Two Colour Offset Sheet with Brass Binding Screws | F.0003.0001
Published annually between 1996 and 1998, 'Primer' acted as an introductory text to a wide range of themes. Produced in a unique poster/pamphlet format 'Primer' could be kept as a poster or trimmed to pamphlet size using pre-printed crop-marks and bound with brass binding-screws provided.
'Primer's' first issue 'International Standard Book Number', edited by Fällt co-founder W. Conrad Röntgen, explored the possibilities that lie for publishing as we move from a world largely characterised by printed, paper-based publications - 'hardware objects' - to one increasingly characterised by virtual, screen-based publications - 'software objects'. Is the book dead? Or is it undergoing a new renaissance, one driven by emerging forms of publishing? Primer 01 explores these themes.
'International Standard Book Number' explores the differing roles and potential of paper vs. cathode-based publishing.
Published in a limited edition of 100 copies.